U cetvrtak, 23. avgusta 2018, crnogorski tim istrazivaca za delfine je odradio teren posmatranja sa kopna. Teren je poceo u ranim jutarnjim casovima, u periodu izlaska Sunca kada su delfini i najaktivniji, a zavrsen je tri sata kasnije. U toku ovih tri sata, tim je neprekidno posmatrao u nadi da ce se defini pojaviti, ali smo uprkos veoma aktivnom pomorskom saobracaju, uspjeli vidjeti jednu jedinku delfina. Ova jedinka je svojim ponasanjem, tj ronjenjem i napustanjem te zone veoma brzo pokazala na koji nacin pomorski saobracaj utice na zivi svjet u moru. Zapravo, usljed prisustva cak 19 brodova u okolini, bilo je pravo cudo vidjeti i tu jednu jedinku. Nadamo se da ce ovo istrazivanje navesti ljude na razmisljanje o tome kako postupaju, a kako treba postupati prema zivotnoj sredini i zivim bicima.
utjeha dolphin survey
On Wednesday, August 23, 2018, the Montenegro dolphin project team done survey from the land. The field research started in the early morning hours, at the time of sunrise, when the dolphins were the most active, and the end was three hours later. During this three hours, the team was constantly looking for the dolphins, but despite the very active maritime transport, we could only see the only dolphin. This one by its behavior, ie by diving and leaving this zone, showed very quickly how maritime traffic impacts on the living ceatures of the sea. Actually, due to the presence of up to 19 boats in the area, it was a real wonder to see the single. We hope that this research will bring people into thinking about their acts and how they should behave toward environment and living beings.
Author: Natasa Nikpaljevic
Author: Natasa Nikpaljevic